Tentative Reunion Schedule

Below is a tentative schedule for the reunion:

Friday, October 8, 2021 Arrival Day.
Welcome reception 7:00pm

Saturday, October 9, 2021
A variety of morning and afternoon group activities

Group dinner 6:00pm

Sunday, October 10, 2021
Mass (for those who wish to attend) at 10:45am St Benedict Catholic Church
Group Brunch at local restaurant

Departure for those who are traveling
Afternoon group activities for those who are traveling on Monday

Monday, October 11, 2021 Columbus Day Holiday
Departure for all remaining family members

I will post an update with more details as we get closer.

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Hotel Reservations

You can now make your reservations for rooms at The Hotel at Avalon. Use the link below to make room reservations.


You can make reservations by calling 1-844-868-1294. Refer “The Hotel at Avalon” along with “2021 Callanan Family Reunion.”

The room rate is $159 per night (not including taxes) for either a King or a Double Queen room.

The reservation block will close on September 1st

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Reunion Date and Location

We are happy to announce that the 2021 Callanan Family Reunion will be held the weekend of October 8-11

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, 2021 in Alpharetta, Georgia. This date also coincides with Aunt Rita’s 92nd Birthday.